125th Boston Marathon (Oct 11, 2021)

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Posted by cnasa on October 10, 2021 at 23:36:18:

125th Boston Marathon

125th Boston Marathon will be held on Monday October 11th 2021, this is first fall great run over covid19 pandemic.

You are warmly welcome on Boylston Street to enjoy the run, Expo (Hynes Convention Center), watch the world fastest marathoners and champions, or cheers.

Boston Marathon is one of worldwide oldest major racing of Tokyo, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York City, it brings estimate $200 million economic to Greater Boston every year.

There are about 20,000 limited official or participates from world country runners, 1000 member from 200 outlets, and more than 9000 volunteers to cover the events,

Boston Marathon, is organized by Boston Athletic Association—www.baa.org, and primarily sponsored by John Hancock Financial Services, since 1897.

26.2 miles course starts Hopkinton, via Ashland, Framingham, Natick, Wellesley (way of 1/2), then, Newton (Heartbreak), Brookline to Boylston St Copley Sq Finish Line. 

Race starts earlier this year:



Men's Wheelchair

8:02 a.m.

Women's Wheelchair

8:05 a.m. 

Handcycles & Duos

8:30 a.m. 

Professional Men

8:37 a.m. 

Professional Women

8:45 a.m.

Para Athletics Division

8:50 a.m.

Rolling start begins

9:00 a.m.

 Around 10:50am Professional Men is expected arriving finish time, 11:15pm Professional Women is expected arriving finish time.

First place is about $150,000, second $75,000, third 40,000, fourth 25,000, and fifth 15,000, additionally, $220,000 towards record broken with olive wreath, medal and champions trophies.

In Massachusetts, there has been more and more local Chinese athletes, MIT and many university young students, running in Boston Marathon, since CNASA-Chinese North America Sports Association, reported the exciting Boston Marathon near last 2 decades.

The following news about runners and winners will be briefly reported on Monday October 11th.

To view some winner photos from CNASA, please visit www.cnasa.org